Pastor-Elders at Community of Grace
Jesus promised to build his church (Matthew 16:18) and established Himself as its foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11). In Ephesians 4:8–11, the apostle Paul writes that church leaders are God’s agents in building the church as they equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Learn more about Biblical Eldership
Our church has been blessed with godly elders who shepherd us willingly, eagerly, and humbly. Please take a moment to become familiar with our current Community of Grace Church pastor-elders.

Harry Cisar
Harry has been in ministry for the past 32 years and a pastor-elder for the last 16 years. He is married to his wife Sophia and they have served together in ministry since 1991. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Cal State Univ. Long Beach and his master’s degree at Cal State Univ. Dominguez Hills. He has worked in quality assurance engineering for 32 years and currently works for Sandia National Laboratories. He is currently working on his Master of Divinity (MDiv) from The Master’s Seminary in CA. He oversees children’s ministry and the Education Resource Center at Community of Grace Church. He and Sophia have three daughters, one son and two grandchildren.

Richard Encinias
Richard has served in several areas of ministry since 1975 including Mexico City (1978-1979). He is married to his wife Suzy and they have served together in ministry since 1975. Richard earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of New Mexico and a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from Trinity Southwest University where he serves as a Professor, Dean of Students and Dean of College of Biblical Counseling. He established ALIVE Family Ministries in 1998 and serves as its director. He oversees music ministry and facilities at Community of Grace Church. Richard is also a Viet Nam combat veteran serving from 1968 to1969. He and Suzy have three daughters and eight grandchildren.

Greg Nelson
Greg has served God as a bi-vocational pastor since 2015. He is married to his wife Lademma and they have served together in volunteer and professional ministry since 1985. Greg earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix and an Executive Certificate from Georgetown University. He works as a public sector executive serving youth and families in New Mexico. Greg oversees church finance at Community of Grace Church and is the regional director of The Master’s Fellowship ministry for New Mexico. He and Lademma have one daughter and a grandson.